Where is Starlink right now?
Using this site, you can find out when the Starlink satellites are expected to be visible at your location.
Some common questions have been answered below. If there are any other questions or problems, you can email me at
dev@findstarlink.com and I can try to help.
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Thanks for using this and enjoy gazing at the beautiful night sky! :)
What's the number next to BRIGHT/DIM?
The number next to DIM/BRIGHT e.g. (2.5) is the brightness magnitude. The smaller the number, the brighter it is.
What does DIM mean?
DIM means the satellite might not be very visible.
Do I need to convert to my timezone?
The time is always local, you do NOT need to convert it. Daylight-savings/summer/winter are already included, if required.
Why was the satellite very far away on the Live Map when it was supposed to be over me?
The satellites move at an unbelievable speed. They travel nearly 500 km/300 miles EVERY MINUTE. But because they're so high up in the sky, you can still see them. So don't worry about the Live Map, the Results page is what you should believe.
Why are there only a few satellites in this app? Doesn't Starlink have hundreds of satellites?
Yes, there are hundreds of them. Many are in groups of 30-40 satellites, and fly in a "chain" formation. So this app tracks only the first satellite in every "chain" of satellites. That way, when you see the first satellite in a chain, the rest will follow behind in that chain. Otherwise the results page will be very cluttered.
Where are the older Starlink groups, like Starlink-1, 2, 3, etc?
Starlink is launched in groups of 60 satellites per launch. These 60 satellites initially fly in a "chain" formation, but over time they spread out and move to their own orbits. The older chains like Starlink-1, 2, 3 etc have spread out and are no longer visible as a chain, that's why this app doesn't include them anymore.
How can the satellites be visible again less than 2 hours after being seen?
Please see above. The satellites move really fast, and travel the entire world in 90 minutes. Every 90 minutes, they return to the same point (but a little further away). That's why sometimes you can see them again within 2 hours of a previous sighting.